Saturday, May 15, 2010

Step 1 - Day 33

Mood: Confused. I went to court with my son yesterday, who is now back in-touch with me, but I am feeling confused about "who" I am dealing with.

Music: "Johnny Too Bad", By Taj Mahal. Taj's re-make of a Jimmy Cliff song. A song about a man running from the law......Not unlike my son, but maybe for different reasons.

Garden: Running wild. Still need to mow. Beautiful wildflowers everywhere. Almost a shame to butcher them with spinning blades. We'll see...

Step 1-

"We admitted we were powerless over alcohol, that our lives had become unmanageable"

I looked on the calender and realized I had gone over the time-frame set out for the blog, of 1-step-per-month. I think I was ready to change, but my now doing the blog for a week, I had just forgotten what I had set for myself as goal. This is good, because I am ready for a new step, even if just for now. I know steps a worked on all-at-once, in-reality, but the intensity of visiting it for a month solid does have it's effects. So on to the next step......

Thanks for listening!

Keep coming back:)

Looking forward to: See my teachers tonight, a talk.

Challenge: Wondering if my son will come with me tonight, actually.

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