Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Step 2 - Day 56

Mood: Scared. I just called a spiritual friend, to talk with him, and spent about an hour hesitating. Not sure why. Feeling nervous, that I needed, or wanted help from him. Would be willing to give it?(I knew he would, actually) But it's the asking, or the needing to ask, that seem to be most of the trouble. The STILL needing help, maybe?

Music: "Sunday Morning Coming Down", by Johnny Cash. Johnny is great at describing the despair and angst of the unawakened state. The feelings of being lost, but not found.

Garden: The lawn is mowed!! Yes, finally. Veggie garden still needs to be put in, but that will have to wait till Monday evening.

Step 2-

"We came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity"

What happens when the Power, greater than yourself, comes in the form of a teachers consciousness and wisdom? Would you listen? Would you let yourself be guided? Is there ever a time when you should follow? We read of the hope and wisdom of our fellow Al-Anon members. This is wisdom that is being shared, from the depth of Higher Power, through them. We all have this same awareness, but not all of us listen, or heed it to the same degree. Some are much "saner" than others. Occasionally, do have the great good fortune to meet someone like this. But will you recognize it? And will you listen when they speak?

Thanks for listening!

Keep coming back:)

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